To begin with I would be totally remiss not to give a shout out to my own mother. Mary has a crown of strawberry blonde hair, is an elementary school teacher, person of service, fabulous neighbor, concerned citizen, great friend, trendy, amazing example, and among many other wonderful things my loving mom. She loves her children unconditionally which is especially powerful when she disagrees with their ideas and actions yet loves on just the same. She is self sacrificing and selfless taking upon herself the pains, concerns and suffering of others and delighting in their successes and joys...yet at the same time she does not lose her self and is always growing and improving as a human being. I love my mom. (o:
I think most of us have a soft spot for our mothers. Walking down the aisles of any store one will notice card after card by hallmark and other companies that aim to help us express our feelings toward the women in our lives to whom we owe so much. Humor, sentimental, grandmothers, bathroom, cartoon, diapers, floral, realistic, nature, gift card holders, Peanuts, and various other themes and topics are used to tell Mom "hey thanks" in a way that resonates with their interests, experience and personalities.
However there are moms out there for whom you will not find a card. You will not find a card for those that have longed, prayed & fasted, tried different diets and hormones, put on a good optimistic face yet still cannot conceive. There is no card for those that recently miscarried and a Sunday in May brings no comfort. No card is available for young moms that choose to carry a child nine months and give it up for adoption. A card isn't available for childless, single amazing aunts. There are no cards that quite express what it is like for a lesbian couple comprised of two loving moms but only one has the legal custodial rights of a parent. Cards are not given to "community moms" who make lives better with their light and love despite having any blood relatives. Many mothers have outlived there children or lost relationships through family conflict or cards are sent. To all these women, old and young, happy mother's day. Thank you for all the love and goodness you bring into the world.
I have a favorite Buddhist meditation that draws heavily upon the love we have for and the love we have received from our mothers. It can help develop love and compassion for all. A great mother's day activity. (o: Buddhists believe in reincarnation, the idea that we have all lived before in some form as a living creature (not necessarily human) countless times..of course it is not necessary to believe in for this to be efficacious, just some good ol' empathy and visualization.
A good starting place is to sit comfortably close your eyes picture your own Mother (if you have a positive relationship, or you can use another caring adult/mentor) and her feelings of love and wishes for your happiness. Imagine her distress when learning of your struggles or pains. Really soak in those feelings and think of the feelings you reciprocate back to her. Now you can picture someone else and imagine them at one point being your mother (works even if male, you can visualize as father if easier). Think of the love and gratitude you had for them, for the compassion and concern they once had for you. Really you can picture that they have someone in this life that they have that amazing kindness and concern for. Maybe they are someone's loving mom/dad, someone's beloved child or spouse sharing in the human experience of love, connection and concern. Of course there are many variations of this and I encourage you to try it out to find motherly love for all...All living beings are my mother.
Motherly love is prevalent throughout religious belief despite minimal scriptural tales of women and mothers. Of course there are few fabulous stand outs like Eve, Sarah, and Mary. Within the LDS church there is a belief in a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother who look down on us, love us and are concerned with our welfare. This idea really resonates with my heart. God is often portrayed as a strong, loving, jealous, angry, merciful and always male figure. God as mother is powerful and unique. A source of creation and intimate unconditional love. May we all have a wonderful Mother's Day and reach out to that inner divinity inside each us that longs for the happiness and success of others more than our Mothers have done for us.